Little Bears
A minor obsession with bears developed after making one for Grayson Perry's teddy bear's picnic at the Yorkshire museum a few years ago.
Stoneware with coloured slips, textiles
Little Houses
Sculptural work based on Spite Houses, buildings constructed or substantially modified to irritate neighbours or any party with land stakes. Because long-term occupation is not the primary purpose of these houses, they often sport strange and impractical structures. Being on wheels, this spite can be moved wherever you need it to be
Stoneware with coloured slips, glaze, decal, brazed steel wheels
Work based on the Art/Craft debate. The original was an installation, with a pile of pristine traditional ceramics to the left. In the centre was an operation in progress, the surgeon looking beneath the surface to determine what lied beneath the craft exterior. To the right was a pile of cut ceramics, each cut edge displaying chintz and floral patterns. It was clear that the work was 'craft' all the way through, however by displaying the craft objects in this way they became and artwork in their own right.
Porcelain and bone china, slip, glaze, decal
A close look at industrial architecture, particularly chimneys, wind turbines, and pylons. The jugs are a nod to local power stations, a familiar sight from the motorway that lets me know I'm nearly home.
Stoneware with coloured slips, underglaze